Sunday, April 15, 2018

My penultimate missionary letter! That's crazy!

Hi guys!
Can not be! my penultimate missionary letter! That's crazy!

This week has been good, on Sunday we had Sister Conchita as a researcher in the Gospel Principles class, she moved to our area on Friday night, in the same class was Sister Iris de Pineda and she shared her testimony to the other sister so she could have her own spiritual experiences. That was great, since it reminded me of my first months as a member of the church; the testimony of many faithful members strengthened me to be able to build mine and although many of those members are no longer in the church, I know that what they shared is true and that I should have my eyes set solely on the kingdom of God and that I should always aspire and keep in mind: "To the kingdom of God, or nothing!
The weekend we were where will be the chapel of the branch of Sumpango I am very excited about that, although I will not be there to see the final result ... I know it will be a great place! Then, we took the opportunity to eat with the members of the branch to commemorate the anniversary of the Relief Society hahaha the best was when we sang As Sisters in ZionπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
I am so grateful for the life of having Salsa Lizano, that has been his secret for these last days (lack of budget hahaha) I have been cooking for the members, and the specialty has been Gallo Pinto (Food of Costa Rica), with that no We have missed lunches and dinners hahaha, how crazy!πŸ˜‡πŸ˜

Well, I do not know how to thank you for all your advice and support during all this time ... They have helped me a lot, thanks for always writing ...

I'm very confused and I do not know what to do with my life afterwards, apart from what I apparently have to learn a lot more, the people where I was supposed to live at the end of the mission They can not help me anymore, so I was left homeless again. I know that I must take these last two weeks, learn and give the best of me in the remaining time of mission, but I can not help thinking that I will do later, at the moment the only thing that occurs to me is to make a loan and get an apartment , while I'm looking for a job that allows me to start over! I do not know what I was thinking about when I decided to sell and donate my things before the mission ...

President Cluff called me last week indicating that you wrote about me, I want to thank you for that, also for your prayers. I still do not know what to do with my life and I do not know how long it takes to make all the decisions. 

I hope you have an excellent week!
 Bye! Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Belief is the reason we go on a mission. It is the motive for preaching about Christ and sharing/Proclaiming his love. Faith is understanding we are children of God and our Heavenly Father. May this definition of faith bless you in your life. Faith is defined again and because faith has an inherent joy it gives us a solid foundation that we finally have the peace we have been searching for.

    "Many believer's feed themselves on what God hasn't done. When I dwell on what hasn't happened, I create the atmosphere for the spirit of offense to arise and to thrive. When I dwell on what hasn't happened, I legitimize unbelief. I live with a sense of justification, for not believing God.

    Faith in the purest sense is the ceasing of resistance. even when there's no physical evidence, when the other evidence is present. Not feeding ourselves on what God hasn't done Faith in it's purest form is the absence of resistance

    Heaven is a place where everyone is celebrated, some are more honored but everyone is celebrated. All men and all women shall be judged on the light which they have received. Heaven is a permissible culture. God's nature is eternally permissible. These statements protect us from credit.

    Faith in the purest sense is the ceasing of resistance, even when there's no physical evidence, when the other evidence is present. Not feeding ourselves on what God hasn't done. Faith in it's purest form is the absence of resistance. Faith doesn't deny a problems existence, it denies it's influence. He or she was someone whom aridity and desolation never disturbed for he or she had a deeply rooted, and a vigorous faith.

    Now we can act as we have always dreamed. Now we can act as we have always been. Now we can step into the light and gather the sunlight instead of blocking out our possibilities. Instead of blocking out our joy. Variety will bloom in/under the sun. We can show off our best, we can enjoy other people's gifts. We can blossom where we stand upon the joy that faith provides us. Upon the joy that faith inherently has, which blossoms the entire field of flowers"

    . - The Definition of Faith


Game Over, Hello Darling Family!

Hello Darling Family; How are you? I hope you are very well, thank you very much for all the letters and photos during all this time. T...