Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Hello People!

Hello! all good? How are you doing with everything?
This week was good! is incredible! On Saturday I had 15 students in my English class and every time people are more encouraged to attend, even if it seems crazy! I had 12 women and 3 men in my class, all of different ages ... I do not know what happens with that ...
On Sunday, after a long time brother Angel was able to attend after more than 3 years of being inactive because of a negative comment from another member, to our surprise in the afternoon when visiting him and his family they were busy lining notebooks for their children , we helped them, after that Sister Marissol told us that her youngest daughter had not been baptized and that if it were possible for her to prepare for her baptism, Viviana (the daughter) will be baptized on February 14, since on this date Brother Angel celebrates his years of joining the church ... Sister Marissol told us that she did not dare to confide her daughter months ago to other missionaries because they wanted her father to baptize her, it is wonderful to see that by disinterested service Lord puts people on the road so they can fulfill their covenants ..
Brother Rob, you are a very good builder! and I think it has good taste! hahaha, good job!

Sister Erin will be a pleasure for me to visit you in Washington after the mission, it's crazy since I do not know what my life will be when the mission is over, when I returned for the first time it was different since I was sick and I knew it was only for a while now it will be definitive and I will have to go on other things, maybe the change and my adaptation will be different now; there's still a long time to think about that ...

Tomorrow I am 4 years since I joined the Church, this simple and important decision at the same time completely changed my life, I learned long ago that "It is good to be important but it is more important to be good", This is true, join the Church my life changed completely and now my way of seeing life is with more hope and light ... I know that these things are true and that when we are at the service of others we are only at the service of our God .. .

I love you Darling family, thank you very much for all your support! you are incredible!

P.S. This week I had several e-mails sorry not to write much ... hahaha

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Hello! All good?

This week I had a great time, I attended the Rodeo group and the attendance improved significantly, I am trying to practice my English and we are teaching on Saturdays; it's not going so bad because being the second class I had 5 students hahaha
Today I had an interview with the mission president and he reminded me that I have 3 months of missionary service, time goes by very fast; I do not even want to think about what I will do after the mission, I would like this to be longer hahaha

Last Wednesday we had a multi-zone conference, I was able to greet Elder Whelan; I also sang along with Elder Peacock and Elder Davis "Joseph Smith’s First Prayer", Sister Cluff liked me very much, she came to tell me that we did very well after the meeting, President congratulated me for that today and I made a comment that It makes me feel very happy ...

"Useless wisdom only differs from the foolishness in that it gives much more work."

"A shared joy is transformed into double joy, a shared sorrow, in half grief"

My friend shared these Swedish proverbs, I like them a lot; and my goal this week is to put them into practice. In fact yesterday I cooked a Chocolate Cake with Orange for the Family Reyes and for the Familia Lobo, in total they were two hahaha cakes it was funny I missed cooking hahaha The best of all is that they enjoyed it a lot. I do not know why? but I still have some Christmas money left! I think I'll keep buying more candy the next few days, I love the sweets! By the way, hno. Rob Thanks for your advice, congratulations on the new shower! good job! I think I can never do something like that, I'm very bad at building, it's easier for me to destroy! hahaha
I hope you have an excellent week!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Sweet Life!

I am so happy that the Lord has given me the opportunity to be a missionary today, I am celebrating 21 months of service to bring people to the true and restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Congratulations to Dalton for this calling, I'm glad that the guys are having a great time... Thank you sister Erin for the recipe, I'll try to do it!
Brother Rob, that's crazy! I never thought that President Monson was going to die while I was serving a mission, although I could never meet him in person, I can say that he was a prophet of God, I love it when he taught that we do not have to be Presidents of the Church, to identify the needs of the the rest.
Perhaps one of the moments in which he paid close attention to President Monson was when he quoted one of my favorite phrases: "Those who do not know how to manifest their love, do not love" (William Shakespeare)
You are a great family! with very good appeals, while they were at home; almost always I was secretary! that's crazy! my first call was secretary of young men, then secretary of the neighborhood and finally secretary of quorum of Elderes.
Yes, I read the biography of Martin Luter King Jr. He was an admirable person and a great warrior of life! Its use is very interesting and it seems very funny ... hahaha
I firmly believe that we do not belong to any religious social club, we belong to the Church of the Savior Jesus Christ, at some point in my life I wanted to leave everything aside, even the Church ... One of my friends asked me a great question that made me think ... If you leave the Church, where will you go? Then, I regressed that there is no other true church and that I had nowhere to go! At that time, I understood the scripture of Romans that says: "For those who love the Lord, all things will work for their good."
I love the banner of the truth spoken by the Prophet Joseph Smith, it is something that I had to learn by heart in my other mission, I try to apply it often in my life and in my mission.
I've been buying candy and lots of goodies with Christmas money! "The sweet life! Hahaha
Yesterday we went to the Pacaya Volcano and it was very fun! we had a great time, we were there as a prayer and it was very good, this was the fourth time I went up to that volcano and every time I did I could appreciate many of the wonders that only our God could create, being there I could understand that no matter where we are, it will always be possible to feel the peace and love that only Christ gives!

with love,
Elder Díaz

These are some sweets and drinks that I bought with Christmas money. And a speaker too hahaha

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Hi Darling Family!

Hello Darling Family!😉 
I hope you are well! This week has been good! After 3 weeks I had to go to the rodeo this Sunday, a new church group, we had divisions with the local leaders of the church, to see that all the members in this place have less than 5 years of joining the church. feel very excited to be part of this group since many could share their testimony. 
The Cañas family are converts of 4 years and are great pioneers in this place
They support the work a lot and visit and twin the members without being asked and that is very good since that is one of the keys of our religion👍
I am about to complete 21 months of missionary service, and that is very rewarding! I have learned to love people again and that makes me happy, for some reason it makes me happy to see people happy hahaha. From past experiences I had to learn to appreciate people again, Elder Whelan was one of my examples and teachers in this task here in the mission ...
How nice that they could have a great date at Home Depot and then they could eat! Happy birthday to Simon! And congratulations for sharing your testimonies!
You are incredible! Have a great week!
Until next time!😁

P.D. A good sunset in Canaveral, hahaha I feel there are not many pictures for now, my camera stopped working
My Friend Hellen Flores!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happy New Year!

Hola! espero se encuentren bien! Tuvimos un fin de semana grandioso! Elder Whelan tuvo permiso y juntos bautizamos a Yessenia y Leyla Lobo, fue muy loco! ya que tuvimos muchos contratiempos... Pero al fin pudo llevarse a cabo, lo mejor de todo es que pudimos almorzar con nuestros comañeros, después de eso Elder Whelan tuvo que irse a su respectivo área.

Me quedan menos de 4 meses para terminar la misión... y estoy emosionado por eso; aunque de igual forma no me gustaria terminar...hahaha
Mi nuevo compañero se llama Elder Cabrera, es de Ecuador, Vivio en Heredía Costa Rica. Es genial que toda su familia conozca aunque usted no hahaha. 

No importa si escriben en Inglés en español (Ahora estoy escribiendo español porque ya no tengo mucho tiempo hahaha)

Gracias por el Blog, eso es genial! 

Si, recibi el sobre con Dinero, Elder Whelan me lo entrego el Domingo, Muchas Gracias, aun no se que compraré, estoy pensando en eso! EStas son mis finanzas dulces por el momento, amo tanto los chocolates y estos son mis favoritos después de Whatchamacallit

Hasta la próxima y feliz año 2018!

Game Over, Hello Darling Family!

Hello Darling Family; How are you? I hope you are very well, thank you very much for all the letters and photos during all this time. T...